The Gettysburg Redress: What Abraham Lincoln Might Speak to this Generation Concerning Freedom

President Lincoln writing the Proclamation of ...

President Lincoln writing the Proclamation of Freedom 18444u (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

(This was written for a contest to write something about President Lincoln, using 272 words or less, for Lincoln’s birthday.  It was a very challenging assignment.)

What decree of heaven has permitted these decayed bones to stand whole before you, I cannot speak.. my time is short. Truly, a more glorious miracle: You, the children of my heart’s travails flourish freely upon brave, blood-stained soil. Freedom, battered both by great tyrants and petty tyrannies, yet endures.

Listen to my words, few and pitiful.

Providence has not permitted me offspring of my flesh to continue upon this earth. Yet, I cherish and would guard you, as if my own progeny, born in freedom and for freedom, that the vision of freedom be reborn in each generation. That is our task – to labor unto freedom – in pain and sorrow persevere. Guard with diligence the wells of Liberty’s pure waters, inherited due the sweat and angst of our forbearers. Guard your inheritance that liberty may spring up anew in each age, and not be polluted and muddied.

Courage brought your fathers and mothers to this land. Even those carried against their will remained to join in the building.

Courage, diligence, hope.  I leave you with these.

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